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Travel Information of Thessalia Region in North Greece


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Thessalia - North Greece Hotels and Apartments

Hotels, Villas and Apartments listed by area in Thessaila, North Greece.
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Travel Information
Thessalia in North Greece
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Thessalia - General Information About Thessalia, North Greece

Information About Thessalia Region

Thessalia hotels and apartments north greece

With the term Thessaly the wider region and historic-geographical area of the eastern part of continental Greece. It includes the prefecture of Karditsa, Larissa, Trikala and Magnesia. It extends 14.036 klm. Which represents approximately 11% of the entire Greek state. On the north it borders with the districts of West and Central Macedonia, on the south with the district of Central Greece, on the west with the Epirus while on the east it meets the Aegean Sea.

The ground is 50% mountainous 50% level and the plain of Thessaly is included, which is the largest plain of the greek state and the third largest river of the country, Pineios, is found on the east-west axis.

Thessalia hotels and apartments north greece

The mountainous region includes mount Olympus, the south part of Pindos mountain range, the north part of Agrafa, Ossa, Pelion and Othrys. Of particular importance is the geostrategic and economic project in the area is the artificial lake of Tavropos, which was created after the obstruction of the watercourse of Tavropos, branch of the river Acheloos.

The subsoil of Thessaly is rich in minerals, especially chromite, sulphurous ores, asbestos, ilmenite and lignite deposits.

The largest city and also the capital of Thessaly is Larissa. The second largest city is Volos which is also the port of Thessaly.


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