Visitor Help and Information


Please select the question that closest matches your query from the Menu on the left where you will find the answer you are looking for.

We have selected the largest and most reliable Tour Operators that offer hotel reservations for Greece through their online booking engines.

What’s more, you can now compare the prices offered in each booking engine for a specific hotel or apartment, during a specific period. offers 2 options:

Once you have selected a hotel / apartment from our pages, click on the "Book It" button and make your reservation online.

If the Book It button is not activated you can contact the hotel directly. is not responsible for your reservation.

You have either booked with one of the Tour Operators we offer or directly with one of the hotels available on our website. In each case please contact the responsible party for changes or cancellations.

Our aim at is to help you find the best accommodation at the best possible price. We do not actually make the reservation for you, nor do we have access to your reservation details.

In the top right corner of the page, there is a "Search" Box, where you can search for a specific hotel / apartment by name.

If you do not know the name of the hotel/apartment you can search through our catalogue by area.

To make your search easier, our catalogue is separated into 5 main areas:

1.  Crete
2.  Greek Islands
3.  Peloponnese
4.  Central Greece
5.  North Greece

Our hotel & apartments’ catalogue provides contact details for ALL ACCOMMODATION UNITS in Greece, for which we already have or are expecting information regarding their operation.

New units are added on a daily basis. If the specific hotel / apartment you are looking for is not in our catalogue, it means we have no information on this particular unit.

If you are able to contact this unit, you can ask them to visit our website and submit their details so that they also appear on our catalogue.

Help us make our Hotel & Apartments’ Guide as complete as possible, so that the next visitors find exactly what they are looking for.

This is a list of hotels and apartments that grows on a daily basis as more and more units are added. These hotels offer a full description of their services and facilities as well as photographic material and contact information.

They have structured services and trained staff that can respond instantly to your enquiries / emails. Most importantly, they are professionals that value their potential client, you.

Please note that by making a reservation with one of our recommended hotels, the reservation is made directly with the hotel. We do not make the reservation for you.

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Copyright © 1994 - 2024 (KAVI CLUB S.A. - Travel Services in Greece)

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Type the name, select from the list and click go.
Hotels and Apartments
in Crete.
Hotels and Apartments
in Peloponissos.
Hotels and Apartments
in Central Greece.
Hotels and Apartments
in North Greece.
Hotels and Apartments
in the Greek Islands.
Hotels and Apartments
in the Greek Islands.